Qual é o tamanho do Debian OS 8.6? & Como fazer o download via torrent?


Eu quero baixar o Debian 8.6, mas quando eu vejo o site deles, existem 3 opções de arquivos torrent.

  • debian-8.6.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso.torrent ~ 2 GB
  • debian-8.6.0-amd64-DVD-2.iso.torrent ~ 3 GB
  • debian-8.6.0-amd64-DVD-3.iso.torrent ~ 4 GB

* minha arquitetura é amd64

Devo fazer o download de tudo? (Um sistema operacional e 9 GB) Além disso, Qual é o tamanho real do arquivo do debian 8.6 OS? Se você sabe, por favor, me diga. & Se você conhece algum link de torrent que tenha iso completo, por favor diga isso também. Obrigado!

por First L. 02.12.2016 / 04:47

2 respostas


Apenas o arquivo DVD-1 é necessário para a instalação. Os arquivos DVD-2 e DVD-3 contêm pacotes adicionais que são apenas opcionais.

De site do Debian :

There are lots of files here! Do I need all of them?

In most cases it is not necessary to download and use all of these images to be able to install Debian on your computer. Debian comes with a massive set of software packages, hence why it takes so many disks for a complete set. Most typical users only need a small subset of those software packages.

Initially, you will only need to download and use the first image of a set (labelled as debian-something-1 to be able to start the Debian installer and set up Debian on your computer. If there are more images available here (labelled debian-something-2, debian-something-3, etc.), they contain the extra packages that can be installed on a Debian system (as mentioned previously). They will not be bootable and are entirely optional. If you have a fast Internet connection, you're most likely better off installing any desired extra packages directly from the Debian mirrors on the Internet instead of by using these extra images.

O tamanho do arquivo ISO para o DVD-1 está listado como 3,7 GB. O link para o download da torrent é link

por 02.12.2016 / 05:05

Você pode salvar a largura de banda baixando o CD debian ~ 630 M , o torrent está disponível em aqui : ( debian-8.6.0-amd64-CD-1.iso.torrent )

Should I have to download it all ?

A mesma pergunta tem uma resposta sobre a pergunta freqüente: Qual das inúmeras imagens eu devo baixar? Preciso de todos eles?

No. First, of course you only need to download CD or DVD or BD images - the three types of images contain the same packages.

in most cases it is not necessary to download all of the images for your architecture. The packages are sorted by popularity: The first CD/DVD/BD contains the installation system and the most popular packages. The second one contains slightly less popular ones, the third one even less popular ones, etc. You will probably only need the first couple of DVDs (or the first few CDs) unless you have very special requirements. (And in case you happen to need a package later on which is not on one of the CDs/DVDs/BDs you downloaded, you can always install that package directly from the Internet.)

por 02.12.2016 / 11:03