Como instalar o mais recente virt-manager no Debian?


Estou usando o Debian stable e na versão estável do virt-manager do Debian é 1.4.0, mas eu preciso usar a versão 1.5.1 porque o 1.4.0 tem um bug.

Eu fui para o link e baixei o código-fonte, então eu fui para a pasta virt installation e usei

sudo python install

Mas tenho erro

running install
Using sysprefix=/usr
running build
Generating /home/user/Downloads/virt/virt-manager-1.5.1/build/virt-manager
Generating /home/user/Downloads/virt/virt-manager-1.5.1/build/virt-install
Generating /home/user/Downloads/virt/virt-manager-1.5.1/build/virt-clone
Generating /home/user/Downloads/virt/virt-manager-1.5.1/build/virt-convert
Generating /home/user/Downloads/virt/virt-manager-1.5.1/build/virt-xml
Generating man/virt-manager.1
Generating man/virt-xml.1
Generating man/virt-install.1
Generating man/virt-clone.1
Generating man/virt-convert.1
running build_i18n
Writing po/
intltool-update -p -g virt-manager
unable to execute 'intltool-update': No such file or directory
Removing po/
error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'po/'

Estas são as instruções de instalação

# Basic Install

For starters, if you just want to run 'virt-manager/virt-install' to test out
changes, it can be done from the source directory:

To install the software into '/usr/local' (usually), you can do:
python install

To build an RPM, you can run:
python rpm

'' generally has all the build and install commands, for more info see:

   - 'python --help-commands'
   - 'python install --help'
   - [Python Standard Build and Install](

## Pre-requisite software

A detailed dependency list can be found in
[]( file.

Minimum version requirements of major components:

   - python >= 2.7
   - gtk3 >= 3.14
   - libvirt-python >= 0.6.0
   - pygobject3 >= 3.14
   - libosinfo >= 0.2.10

On Debian or Ubuntu based distributions, you need to install the
'gobject-introspection' bindings for some dependencies like 'libvirt-glib'
and 'libosinfo'. Look for package names that start with ''gir'', for example
por J. Boe 01.10.2018 / 08:31

1 resposta


Você precisa instalar o pacote inttool.

Para isso:

sudo apt get install  intltool

De link

Package: intltool

Utility scripts for internationalizing XML

Automatically extracts translatable strings from oaf, glade, bonobo ui, nautilus theme and other XML files into the po files.

Automatically merges translations from po files back into .oaf files (encoding to be 7-bit clean). The merging mechanism can also be extended to support other types of XML files.

PS. tirou a recomendação do automake. Isso vem como uma dependência.

por 01.10.2018 / 08:38