Eu usaria o Python para algo assim. Aqui está um exemplo:
import csv
#Create a csv file with some data
myData = [["first_name", "second_name", "Grade"],
['Alex', 'Brian', 'A'],
['Tom', 'Smith', 'B']]
myFile1 = open('file1.csv', 'w')
with myFile1:
writer = csv.writer(myFile1)
#Create a second csv file
myFile2 = open('file2.csv', 'w')
#Read the first file created with data
with open('file1.csv') as File:
reader = csv.reader(File)
for row in reader:
#Print every row to the console
if row[0] == "Alex":
#If the first cell of the row says Alex, say hi and add the row to the second file
print "Hi Alex"
with myFile2:
writer = csv.writer(myFile2)