Definir papel de parede no NetBSD JWM


Instalei o "NetBSD JWM" no ambiente virtual do VMware Workstation 14 Pro. Eu gostaria de definir o papel de parede, mas não sei como fazê-lo.

por Usuha 22.03.2018 / 20:32

1 resposta


Para citar os autores ,

Configuration of JWM is done by editing ".jwmrc".


Virtual desktops are controlled with the Desktops tag. Within this tag the following attributes are supported.

  • width The number of virtual desktops in the horizontal direction. The default is 4.
  • height The number of virtual desktops in the vertical direction. The default is 1. Within the Desktops tag the following tags are supported.

    • Background The default background for desktops. The type attribute determines the type of background and the text contained within this tag is the value.

      Valid types are:

      • solid A solid color. See Colors. This is the default.
      • gradient A gradient color. See Colors.
      • image A stretched image.
      • scale A scaled image.
      • tile A tiled image.
      • command A command to be run for setting the background.
por 22.03.2018 / 20:42