Provavelmente todas as suas zonas foram adicionadas pelo comando rndc addzone
. Isso é permitido por causa de allow-new-zones yes
man rndc
rndc addzone zone [class [view]] configuration
Add a zone while the server is running. This command requires the
allow-new-zones option to be set to yes. The configuration string
specified on the command line is the zone configuration text that
would ordinarily be placed in named.conf.
The configuration is saved in a file called hash.nzf, where hash
is a cryptographic hash generated from the name of the view. When
named is restarted, the file will be loaded into the view
configuration, so that zones that were added can persist after a
This sample addzone command would add the zone to the
default view:
$rndc addzone '{ type master; file ""; };'
Então você pode procurar se encontrar esses arquivos * .nzf ou * .db no diretório de trabalho do bind (por exemplo, / var / lib / named).