DBD / DBI: falha se um programa for bifurcado


O programa abaixo funciona se o parâmetro $ crash não estiver definido:

$ perl example mysql://:tange@/tange/mytable
dburl mysql://:tange@/tange/mytable
databasedriver mysql user  password tange host  port  database tange table mytable query 
run CREATE TABLE mytable
                (Seq INT,
                 Exitval INT
run INSERT INTO mytable (Seq,Exitval) VALUES (?,?);
run INSERT INTO mytable (Seq,Exitval) VALUES (?,?);

Se $ crash for definido, o bzip2 será executado através do open3, os dados serão enviados por um processo bifurcado e isso trava o DBD / DBI:

$ perl example mysql://:tange@/tange/mytable 1
dburl mysql://:tange@/tange/mytable
databasedriver mysql user  password tange host  port  database tange table mytable query 
run CREATE TABLE mytable
                (Seq INT,
                 Exitval INT
run INSERT INTO mytable (Seq,Exitval) VALUES (?,?);
As bzip2:BZh9rE8P�
run INSERT INTO mytable (Seq,Exitval) VALUES (?,?);
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at example line 157.
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at example line 157.

Isso também é verdade, se estiver usando o Postgresql:

$ perl example pg:////mytable 
dburl pg:////mytable
databasedriver pg user  password  host  port  database  table mytable query 
run CREATE TABLE mytable
                (Seq INT,
                 Exitval INT
run INSERT INTO mytable (Seq,Exitval) VALUES (?,?);
run INSERT INTO mytable (Seq,Exitval) VALUES (?,?);

E com o conjunto $ crash:

$ perl example pg:////mytable 1
dburl pg:////mytable
databasedriver pg user  password  host  port  database  table mytable query 
run CREATE TABLE mytable
                (Seq INT,
                 Exitval INT
run INSERT INTO mytable (Seq,Exitval) VALUES (?,?);
As bzip2:BZh9rE8P�
run INSERT INTO mytable (Seq,Exitval) VALUES (?,?);
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request. at example line 157.
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request. at example line 157.

Por quê? Existe uma solução alternativa?

Para mim, open3 e fork não estão relacionados ao DBD / DBI.


use IPC::Open3;

my $sql = SQL->new(shift);
my $crash = shift;
$Global::debug = "all";
$crash and print length string_zip("abc"),"\n";

sub string_zip {
    # Pipe string through 'cmd'
    my $cmd = shift;
    my($zipin_fh, $zipout_fh,@base64);
    ::open3($zipin_fh,$zipout_fh,">&STDERR","bzip2 -9");
    if(fork) {
    close $zipin_fh;
    @base64 = <$zipout_fh>;
    close $zipout_fh;
    } else {
    close $zipout_fh;
    print $zipin_fh @_;
    close $zipin_fh;
    ::debug("zip","Orig:@_\nAs bzip2:@base64\n");
    return @base64;

sub undef_if_empty {
    if(defined($_[0]) and $_[0] eq "") {
    return undef;
    return $_[0];

sub debug {
    # Uses:
    #   $Global::debug
    #   %Global::fd
    # Returns: N/A
    print @_[1..$#_];

package SQL;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $dburl = shift;
    $Global::use{"DBI"} ||= eval "use DBI; 1;";
    my %options = parse_dburl($dburl);
    my %driveralias = ("sqlite" => "SQLite",
               "sqlite3" => "SQLite",
               "pg" => "Pg",
               "postgres" => "Pg",
               "postgresql" => "Pg");
    my $driver = $driveralias{$options{'databasedriver'}} || $options{'databasedriver'};
    my $database = $options{'database'};
    my $host = $options{'host'} ? ";host=".$options{'host'} : "";
    my $port = $options{'port'} ? ";port=".$options{'port'} : "";
    my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:dbname=$database$host$port";
    my $userid = $options{'user'};
    my $password = $options{'password'};;
    my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $userid, $password, { RaiseError => 1 })
    or die $DBI::errstr;
    return bless {
    'dbh' => $dbh,
    'max_number_of_args' => undef,
    'table' => $options{'table'},
    }, ref($class) || $class;

sub parse_dburl {
    my $url = shift;
    my %options = ();
    # sql:mysql://[[user][:password]@][host][:port]/[database[/table][?sql query]]

    if($url=~m!(?:sql:)? # You can prefix with 'sql:'
                 (?:sqlite|sqlite2|sqlite3)):// # Databasedriver ($1)
                ([^:@/][^:@]*|) # Username ($2)
                 :([^@]*) # Password ($3)
               ([^:/]*)? # Hostname ($4)
                ([^/]*)? # Port ($5)
                ([^/?]*)? # Database ($6)
                ([^?]*)? # Table ($7)
                (.*)? # Query ($8)
              !ix) {
    $options{databasedriver} = ::undef_if_empty(lc(uri_unescape($1)));
    $options{user} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($2));
    $options{password} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($3));
    $options{host} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($4));
    $options{port} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($5));
    $options{database} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($6));
    $options{table} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($7));
    $options{query} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($8));
    ::debug("sql","dburl $url\n");
    ::debug("sql","databasedriver ",$options{databasedriver}, " user ", $options{user},
          " password ", $options{password}, " host ", $options{host},
          " port ", $options{port}, " database ", $options{database},
          " table ",$options{table}," query ",$options{query}, "\n");

    } else {
    ::error("$url is not a valid DBURL");
    exit 255;
    return %options;

sub uri_unescape {
    # Copied from http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/GAAS/URI-1.55/URI/Escape.pm
    # to avoid depending on URI::Escape
    # This section is (C) Gisle Aas.
    # Note from RFC1630:  "Sequences which start with a percent sign
    # but are not followed by two hexadecimal characters are reserved
    # for future extension"
    my $str = shift;
    if (@_ && wantarray) {
    # not executed for the common case of a single argument
    my @str = ($str, @_);  # need to copy
    foreach (@str) {
    return @str;
    $str =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg if defined $str;

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my $stmt = shift;
    my $dbh = $self->{'dbh'};
    ::debug("sql","run $stmt\n");
    # Execute with the rest of the args - if any
    my $rv;
    my $sth;
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
    $rv = $sth->execute(@_);
    return $sth;

sub table {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{'table'};

sub create_table {
    my $self = shift;
    my $table = $self->table();
    $self->run(qq(DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;));
    $self->run(qq{CREATE TABLE $table
        (Seq INT,
         Exitval INT

sub insert_records {
    my $self = shift;
    my $seq = shift;
    my $record_ref = shift;
    my $table = $self->table();
    $self->run("INSERT INTO $table (Seq,Exitval) ".
           "VALUES (?,?);", $seq, -1000);
por Ole Tange 01.01.2016 / 00:36

1 resposta


Quando o processo filho ou pai sai, ele fecha seu identificador de banco de dados e soquete associado e, no lado do servidor, o back-end correspondente é encerrado.

A partir desse ponto, se o outro processo (ainda existente) do cliente tentar usar o identificador do banco de dados, o envio de consultas falhará com o servidor MySQL sendo eliminado ou com o servidor postgres fechado a conexão inesperadamente . Essas mensagens parecem descrever corretamente o que aconteceu.

A principal solução é chamar DBI->connect() após fork e não compartilhar o identificador de banco de dados entre os processos de nenhuma maneira.

Se a atividade do banco de dados estiver confinada ao pai, você pode definir AutoInactiveDestroy antecipadamente no identificador do banco de dados (desde DBI 1.614). Isso deve definir InactiveDestroy automaticamente nas crianças e apenas resolver o problema. Veja InactiveDestroy na documentação do DBI:

For a database handle, this attribute does not disable an explicit call to the disconnect method, only the implicit call from DESTROY that happens if the handle is still marked as Active.

This attribute is specifically designed for use in Unix applications that "fork" child processes. For some drivers, when the child process exits the destruction of inherited handles cause the corresponding handles in the parent process to cease working.

Either the parent or the child process, but not both, should set InactiveDestroy true on all their shared handles. Alternatively, and preferably, the "AutoInactiveDestroy" can be set in the parent on connect.

por 04.01.2016 / 14:43
