executable reside sobre a própria existência [duplicada]


Ok, estou completamente confuso com isso. Estou instalando um software chamado InterPro Scan para meus superiores, e está reclamando de um executável que não existe. Por favor veja abaixo.

root@cpt:/usr/local/lib/iprscan# bin/Linux/seqret 
bash: bin/Linux/seqret: No such file or directory
root@cpt:/usr/local/lib/iprscan# ls bin/Linux/seqret 
root@cpt:/usr/local/lib/iprscan# stat bin/Linux/seqret 
  File: 'bin/Linux/seqret'
  Size: 949624          Blocks: 1856       IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 801h/2049d      Inode: 38541532    Links: 1
Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: ( 1257/ UNKNOWN)   Gid: ( 1055/ UNKNOWN)
Access: 2013-06-17 17:28:41.317364148 -0500
Modify: 2009-12-16 05:57:46.000000000 -0600
Change: 2013-06-17 17:28:33.049363860 -0500
 Birth: -
root@cpt:/usr/local/lib/iprscan# md5sum bin/Linux/seqret 
bc08e679fb146bc47e6f41636dcc1f88  bin/Linux/seqret
root@cpt:/usr/local/lib/iprscan# file /usr/local/lib/iprscan/bin/binaries/seqret

/usr/local/lib/iprscan/bin/binaries/seqret: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, not stripped

Existe! Mas isso diz que não? Estou incrivelmente confuso.

root@cpt:/usr/local/lib/iprscan# /usr/local/lib/iprscan/bin/iprscan -cli -i /usr/local/lib/iprscan/test.seq -o /usr/local/lib/iprscan/test.out -format raw -goterms -iprlookup

Isso chama o script de wrapper:

/usr/local/lib/iprscan/conf/seqret.sh: line 18: /usr/local/lib/iprscan/bin/binaries/seqret: No such file or directory
/usr/local/lib/iprscan/bin/iprscan: checkParams: unable to create input files: formatSequences: 

Esta é a chamada original para o script wrapper:

/usr/local/lib/iprscan/conf/seqret.sh  /usr/local/lib/iprscan/tmp/20130617/iprscan-20130617-17561022/iprscan-20130617-17561022.seqs > /usr/local/lib/iprscan/tmp/20130617/iprscan-20130617-17561022/iprscan-20130617-17561022.input.formatted: exit status 127

Todos os arquivos de entrada existem.

O próprio script wrapper

root@cpt:/usr/local/lib/iprscan# cat /usr/local/lib/iprscan/conf/seqret.sh

##### NOTE ####
# Should be already set by iprscan_wrapper.pl.
# If not just add the full path to your iprscan installation

#Needed for seqret & sixpack emboss applications


# "$@" is related to the command line of formatcmd tag in file iprscan.conf.
$IPRSCAN_HOME/bin/binaries/seqret -osf fasta -auto -stdout "$@"
por EricR 18.06.2013 / 00:37

1 resposta


Com base nas evidências de que o stackexhcange apareceu depois que eu postei minha pergunta, estou supondo que essa será a causa do problema. Estou instalando bibliotecas de 32 bits agora.

por 18.06.2013 / 01:04