Como compartilhar o Android VPN com o Linux?


Eu tenho um Galaxy Note5 com Android 7 e um laptop Asus com Ubuntu 16.04. Eu gosto de compartilhar minha conexão VPN por telefone com meu laptop. Eu tentei alguns aplicativos como VPNTether, correção de tethering DF, TetherNet, Pdanet +, etc, mas eles não funcionaram!

Eu acho que eu poderia usar o VPNTheter no Windows 10 e funcionou, mas eles não funcionam no Ubuntu!

Também testei dois métodos de cabo Wi-Fi e USB.

Também encontrei este método, mas não consegui entender o que ele diz nos números 6 e 7?

  1.  You need a rooted device
  2.  Make sure you have a VPN app, like OpenVPN or DroidVPN ( I use DroidVPN and its the best)
  3.  Download Terminal Emulator
  4.  Activate your hotspot and connect to your VPN
  5.  Launch Terminal emulator and on the first line type "su" (without the quotes) and press enter

  6. Copy and paste this to the Terminal Emulator. Make sure to paste to a new folder using Root Browser first and copy to T.E. in the exact format as shown below:

iptables -t filter -F FORWARD
iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING
iptables -t filter -I FORWARD -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
ip rule add from lookup 61
ip route add default dev tun0 scope link table 61
ip route add dev wlan0 scope link table 61
ip route add broadcast dev wlan0 scope link table 61

  7. That's about it. Also, be sure to make a folder with Root Browser and paste the code there, as this resets after re-boot. It worked on my LG G3 on android 4.4.2
por user145959 19.04.2017 / 06:13

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