Usando o Grep para obter entradas específicas e ignorar outras


existe uma maneira de usar o grep para ignorar linhas com 141.8. .. contidos neles, MAS, obter linhas que tenham GET? Agora eu tenho isso, mas devo estar fazendo algo errado

sudo grep -v '^' && "GET" /home/tsec/prototype/logs/glastopf.log | sort -k4,4 | tac | sort -uk4,4 | sort -k1,2 | tail -n 10 > /home/tsec/prototype/logs/ext$

Isto é o que o log contém

2016-04-20 13:30:59,818 (glastopf.glastopf) requested GET /favicon.ico on e1f841a092e9:80
2016-04-20 13:31:01,817 (glastopf.glastopf) requested POST /index on e1f841a092e9:80
2016-04-20 13:31:01,855 (glastopf.glastopf) requested GET /style.css on e1f841a092e9:80
2016-04-20 13:31:01,883 (glastopf.glastopf) requested GET /favicon.ico on e1f841a092e9:80
2016-04-20 16:39:55,713 (glastopf.glastopf) Initializing Glastopf 3.1.3-dev using "/data/glastopf" as work directory.
2016-04-20 16:39:55,797 (glastopf.glastopf) Connecting to main database with: sqlite:///db/glastopf.db
2016-04-20 16:39:55,834 (glastopf.glastopf) Glastopf started and privileges dropped.
2016-04-20 17:54:33,857 (glastopf.glastopf) requested GET / on de96c7b4104d:80
2016-04-20 17:54:34,101 (glastopf.glastopf) requested GET /HNAP1/ on de96c7b4104d:80
2016-04-20 22:06:20,265 (glastopf.glastopf) Initializing Glastopf 3.1.3-dev using "/data/glastopf" as work directory.
2016-04-20 22:06:20,399 (glastopf.glastopf) Connecting to main database with: sqlite:///db/glastopf.db
2016-04-20 22:06:20,446 (glastopf.glastopf) Glastopf started and privileges dropped.
2016-04-20 22:33:23,136 (glastopf.glastopf) requested GET / on 11bbb1d43c02:80

Então, no final, eu quero pegar as entradas que possuem GET na string mas ignorar aquelas que têm o IP

por firepro20 21.04.2016 / 02:01

3 respostas


Use dois grep s:

grep "GET" /home/tsec/prototype/logs/glastopf.log |  grep -vF | ...

Em man grep :

-F    Match using fixed strings. Treat each  pattern  specified  as  a
      string  instead  of  a  regular  expression.  If  an  input line
      contains any of the patterns as a contiguous sequence of  bytes,
      the line shall be matched. A null string shall match every line.

-v    Select  lines not matching any of the specified patterns. If the
      -v option is not specified, selected lines shall be  those  that
      match any of the specified patterns.

Portanto, -F nos permite evitar o escape de . , que, de outra forma, corresponderia a qualquer caractere. -v é a maneira clássica de informar grep para inverter a correspondência.

por muru 21.04.2016 / 02:14

O awk permite operadores lógicos no regex, então você pode dizer que o fósforo GET e também aquelas linhas que não contêm o ip

  awk '/GET/&&!/141\.8\.83\.213/' log. txt
por Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy 21.04.2016 / 04:09

Single grep,

grep -P '^(?!.*?141\.8\.83\.213).*\bGET\b' file


por Avinash Raj 21.04.2016 / 10:45