Clementine não joga mais m4a após a atualização 16.04


Quando meu sistema era 14.04, eu tive este problema e isso corrigiu.

Agora atualizei o sistema para 16.04, não achei clementine, então o instalei. Não foi possível reproduzir arquivos m4a, então encontrei minha solução antiga e a tentei. Mas ainda não pode jogar m4a.

Então agora eu tentei atualizar para a versão dev da clementine (a outra resposta), mas ainda sem sorte. Eu continuo recebendo o erro gstreamer.

Como obtenho arquivos m4a para trabalhar em 16.04?

Eu tenho um clone 14.04 do meu sistema com clementine tocando m4a.


apt-cache search gstreamer.*bad

gir1.2-gst-plugins-bad-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set
gnome-video-effects-extra - GNOME Video Effects - extra plugins
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (debug symbols)
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "bad" set
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-faad - GStreamer faad plugin from the "bad" set
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-videoparsers - GStreamer videoparsers plugin from the "bad" set
libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set
libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set
sound-juicer - GNOME CD Ripper
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (Multiverse Variant)
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-0 - GStreamer shared libraries from the "bad" set
N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension

sudo find ~/ -mount -name \*gstreamer\*


como para apt list --installed , aqui está uma colar . Uma das saídas mais longas de todos os tempos, hehe X)

Nota: se você acha que meu sistema está uma bagunça, sim eu sei (infelizmente).

Editar 2: executou clementine no terminal. Aqui está parte da saída de inicialização:

04:12:14.255 INFO  main:329                         Clementine 1.3.1-284-g8a6cc8b 
04:12:14.419 DEBUG NetworkProxyFactory:49           Detected system proxy URLs: ("", "", "", "") 
04:12:14.421 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:281      Starting worker 0x7fedb79fa660 "/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader" "/tmp/clementine_536547441" 
04:12:14.423 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:281      Starting worker 0x7fedb79fa660 "/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader" "/tmp/clementine_1160234507" 
04:12:14.425 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:281      Starting worker 0x7fedb79fa660 "/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader" "/tmp/clementine_498140324" 
04:12:14.428 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:281      Starting worker 0x7fedb79fa660 "/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader" "/tmp/clementine_2096635439" 
04:12:14.430 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:281      Starting worker 0x7fedb79fa660 "/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader" "/tmp/clementine_878615057" 
04:12:14.432 INFO  main:48                          TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/clementine_536547441" 
04:12:14.433 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:281      Starting worker 0x7fedb79fa660 "/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader" "/tmp/clementine_1273687375" 
04:12:14.434 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:281      Starting worker 0x7fedb79fa660 "/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader" "/tmp/clementine_546149030" 
04:12:14.437 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:281      Starting worker 0x7fedb79fa660 "/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader" "/tmp/clementine_884135863" 
04:12:14.438 INFO  main:48                          TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/clementine_2096635439" 
04:12:14.438 INFO  main:48                          TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/clementine_1160234507" 
04:12:14.438 INFO  main:48                          TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/clementine_498140324" 
04:12:14.440 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:301      Worker 0x7feda800c540 connected to "/tmp/clementine_536547441" 
04:12:14.440 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:301      Worker 0x7feda800daf0 connected to "/tmp/clementine_1160234507" 
04:12:14.440 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:301      Worker 0x7feda800c5c0 connected to "/tmp/clementine_498140324" 
04:12:14.440 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:301      Worker 0x7feda8010420 connected to "/tmp/clementine_2096635439" 
04:12:14.441 INFO  main:48                          TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/clementine_878615057" 
04:12:14.441 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:301      Worker 0x7feda8011a00 connected to "/tmp/clementine_878615057" 
04:12:14.446 INFO  main:48                          TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/clementine_1273687375" 
04:12:14.446 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:301      Worker 0x7feda800ec80 connected to "/tmp/clementine_1273687375" 
04:12:14.446 INFO  main:48                          TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/clementine_546149030" 
04:12:14.447 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:301      Worker 0x7feda80145b0 connected to "/tmp/clementine_546149030" 
04:12:14.453 INFO  main:48                          TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/clementine_884135863" 
04:12:14.453 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:301      Worker 0x7feda8012520 connected to "/tmp/clementine_884135863" 
04:12:14.490 DEBUG GnomeGlobalShortcutBackend:52    registering 
04:12:14.610 DEBUG MainWindow:226                   Starting 
04:12:14.633 WARN  unknown                          QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 2 
04:12:14.666 DEBUG CoverProviders:35                Registered cover provider "Amazon" 
04:12:14.667 DEBUG CoverProviders:35                Registered cover provider "MusicBrainz" 
04:12:14.667 DEBUG CoverProviders:35                Registered cover provider "" 
04:12:14.677 DEBUG MainWindow:297                   Initialising player 
04:12:14.686 DEBUG MainWindow:303                   Creating models 
04:12:14.703 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "classicalradio" 
04:12:14.703 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "ClassicalRadio" 
04:12:14.704 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "di" 
04:12:14.704 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "DigitallyImported" 
04:12:14.717 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Icecast" 
04:12:14.722 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Jamendo" 
04:12:14.727 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "jazzradio" 
04:12:14.727 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "JazzRadio" 
04:12:14.728 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "magnatune" 
04:12:14.732 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Magnatune" 
04:12:14.737 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Podcasts" 
04:12:14.741 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "rockradio" 
04:12:14.741 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "RockRadio" 
04:12:14.745 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "SavedRadio" 
04:12:14.749 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "radiotunes" 
04:12:14.749 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "RadioTunes" 
04:12:14.753 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "somafm" 
04:12:14.753 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "SomaFM" 
04:12:14.757 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "intergalacticfm" 
04:12:14.757 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Intergalactic FM" 
04:12:14.765 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "SoundCloud" 
04:12:14.766 DEBUG SpotifyService:108               Spotify system blob path: "/usr/bin/clementine-spotifyblob" 
04:12:14.766 DEBUG SpotifyService:109               Spotify local blob path: "/home/mina/.config/Clementine/spotifyblob/version16-64bit/blob" 
04:12:14.770 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Spotify" 
04:12:14.770 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "subsonic" 
04:12:14.792 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Subsonic" 
04:12:14.815 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "box" 
04:12:14.815 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Box" 
04:12:14.819 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "dropbox" 
04:12:14.819 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Dropbox" 
04:12:14.823 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "googledrive" 
04:12:14.823 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Google Drive" 
04:12:14.827 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "seafile" 
04:12:14.827 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "Seafile" 
04:12:14.831 INFO  Player:627                       Registered URL handler for "skydrive" 
04:12:14.831 DEBUG InternetModel:131                Adding internet service: "OneDrive" 
04:12:14.834 WARN  DeviceKitLister:55               Error enumerating DeviceKit-disks devices: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" "The name org.freedesktop.UDisks was not provided by any .service files" 
04:12:14.837 DEBUG MainWindow:322                   Creating UI 
04:12:14.889 DEBUG MainWindow:867                   Creating equalizer 
04:12:14.891 DEBUG MainWindow:896                   Creating now playing widget 
04:12:14.915 DEBUG _MessageReplyBase:24             Waiting on ID 0 

... então ele continua escaneando meus arquivos.

Quando tento executar um arquivo m4a, aqui está a saída

04:12:57.114 DEBUG PlaylistBackend:294              Saving playlist 196 
04:12:57.123 DEBUG PlaylistBackend:294              Saving playlist 46 
04:12:57.126 DEBUG {anonymous}:42                   QDBusError("", "") 
04:12:57.362 DEBUG GnomeGlobalShortcutBackend:96    registered 
04:12:57.435 DEBUG {anonymous}:78                   Remote interface published on Avahi: QDBusError("", "") 
04:13:42.355 DEBUG Database:584                     Starting database integrity check 
04:13:42.357 DEBUG Database:645                     Starting database backup 
04:13:54.113 DEBUG _MessageReplyBase:24             Waiting on ID 406 
04:13:54.113 DEBUG TagReader:984                    Loading art from "/path/bla/bla/name.m4a" 
04:13:54.114 INFO  MoodbarLoader:147                Creating moodbar data for "/path/bla/bla/name.m4a" 
04:13:54.115 DEBUG MessageReply<MessageType>:90     Releasing ID 406 (finished) 
04:13:54.115 DEBUG _MessageReplyBase:26             Acquired ID 406 
04:13:54.115 DEBUG PlaylistBackend:294              Saving playlist 183 
04:13:54.129 ERROR MoodbarPipeline:133              Error processing  QUrl( "file:///path/bla/bla/name.m4a" )  : "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." 
04:13:54.129 ERROR MoodbarPipeline:133              Error processing  QUrl( "file:///path/bla/bla/name.m4a" )  : "GStreamer encountered a general stream error." 
04:13:54.138 ERROR GstEnginePipeline:645            1 "gsturidecodebin.c(1006): no_more_pads_full (): /GstPipeline:pipeline/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin-0:
no suitable plugins found:
gstdecodebin2.c(4565): gst_decode_bin_expose (): /GstPipeline:pipeline/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin-0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin1:
no suitable plugins found:
Missing decoder: Apple Lossless Audio (ALAC) (audio/x-alac, codec_data=(buffer)00000024616c616300000000000010000010280a0e0200ff00002f5a000bcdeb0000ac44, samplesize=(int)16, max-input-size=(int)12142, rate=(int)44100, channels=(int)2)
04:13:54.138 ERROR GstEnginePipeline:645            1 "qtdemux.c(5520): gst_qtdemux_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin-0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin1/GstQTDemux:qtdemux1:
streaming stopped, reason not-linked" 
04:13:54.165 DEBUG MainWindow:1484                  position 0 scrobble point 187 status 0 
04:14:03.325 WARN  GstEngine:693                    Gstreamer error: "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." 
04:14:03.325 ERROR logging:56                       Source ID 69 was not found when attempting to remove it 
04:14:03.327 WARN  unknown                          QTimeLine::start: already running 
04:14:12.458 WARN  unknown                          QTimeLine::start: already running 
04:14:21.731 WARN  OSD:140                          Error sending notification "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" 

Editar 3:

apt-cache search gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad

gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (Multiverse Variant)
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
por Mina Michael 15.02.2017 / 20:22

2 respostas


Indo adivinhar que seu .m4a é um alac que seria decodificado por gstreamer1.0-libav .

Atm esse plugin está quebrado em 16.04, eu relatei & amp; uma correção foi feita, mas ainda não foi lançada. Você pode obter o novo pacote do repo proposto ou aguardar um pouco para que ele realize os principais repositórios.

Bug para referência - link

A nova versão do pacote é 1.8.3-1ubuntu0.2 Depois de atualizar se a clementine estiver aberta, ela deve ser fechada e, em seguida, reaberta para usar o novo plugin.

por doug 18.02.2017 / 02:40

O link que você postou (como eu tenho certeza que você sabe) é para uma versão mais antiga do gstreamer.

Usar o repositório padrão terá mais chances de sobreviver às atualizações da versão do Ubuntu.

Você terá que instalar o pacote gstreamer totalmente atualizado:

$ sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad

Remova a versão em cache instalada anteriormente excluindo ~ / .local / share / Steam.

Nota para os jogadores do Steam (da Valve), você provavelmente não quer remover esta pasta, o Steam tem todas as suas configurações. Talvez seja necessário transferir sua biblioteca de vapor.

Comando para excluir:

$ rm ~/.local/share/Steam

Você pode ter que sair do Clementine para que a alteração entre em vigor.

por L. D. James 15.02.2017 / 22:22