Perguntas sobre 'diff3'


Como devo entender as diferentes saídas por '-A' e por '-e' do diff3?

O manual do diffutils diz, em diff3 -A mine older yours The ‘--show-all’ (‘-A’) option acts like the ‘-e’ option, except that it brackets conflicts, and it outputs all changes from older to yours, not just the unmerged changes. Eu t...
10.11.2018 / 18:32

Como devo entender que as condições para mesclar por diff3 sejam bem definidas?

No manual do diffutils diff3 mine older yours You can remember the order of the arguments by noting that they are in alphabetical order. You can think of this as subtracting older from yours and adding the result to mine, or...
09.11.2018 / 17:59