Um pouco de bash e xdotool devem resolver o problema. Notas sobre a instalação do xdotool no final do post.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# usage:
# firefox-bin
# Will launch firefox-bin or activate the first window in the windows stack
# --- Remember to chmod a+x in order to execute.
# pgrep looks through the currently running processes and lists the process
# IDs which matches the selection criteria to stdout
# for more information on pgrep
# if process is found by pgrep then pipe through head to get firt instance in
# case of multiple processes running. If process not found $pid will be empty
pid=$(pgrep ${1} | head -n 1)
# Using "-z" check if $pid is empty, if so execute the process
if [ -z "$pid" ]; then
echo "$1 not running... executing..."
$1 &
# process was found, find the first visible window and activate it
echo "Found process $1 with PID $pid"
# using xdotool [] get the first
# visible windows using $pid. Redirect stderr to /dev/null and only select
# the first visible windows using head
wid=$(xdotool search --onlyvisible --pid $pid 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
# if $wid is empty the process does not have any visible windows... do nothing
if [ -z "$wid" ]; then
echo "Didn't find any visible windows for process $1 with PID: $pid"
# send the window id ($wid) from the window stack to xdotool
echo "Activating first windows in stack"
xdotool windowactivate $wid
# ******** NOTES **********
# In order for this script to work correctly you need to pass the complete process
# name for it to find any visible windows. The process needs needs to be in the path
# for it to execute if not running.
# For example
# If you try it with firefox-bin on Ubuntu 10.10 it will find the running process and
# activate the window, but it will not be able to launch the process since the executable
# in the path is called firefox which is a link to
# (/usr/bin/firefox -> ../lib/firefox-3.6.12/ which in turn executes firefox-bin
# (not in path).
# Next, if you use firefox it will find a process but won't be able to find any windows
# since it's a wrapper function calling firefox-bin and doesn't have any windows.
Você pode encontrar o código em github
Eu testei o código no Ubuntu 10.10 (Gnome) e funcionou. Ele precisa de um pouco de polimento, já que eu simplesmente digitei e não me preocupei em deixar isso bonito (queria ter certeza de colocar os comentários)
Para instalar o xdotool você pode apt-get instalar o xdotool (form me this fetched version 2.20100701.2691), se você quiser o mais recente e melhor obtê-lo de here (a partir de 20101116 é como versão 2.20101012.3049-4)