Experimente NegativeScreen :
NegativeScreen is a Windows application allowing you to invert your screen colors. Apart from accessibility matters, this software is especially useful when you are surfing on the internet in a dark room, and the screen is dazzling you.
NegativeScreen was designed to work without impacting the performances and fluidity of your computer. Unlike the Windows Magnifier, which is also capable of such color inversion, it was specifically designed to be easy and convenient to use.
Different inversion modes are provided, including “smart” modes, allowing black and white inversion, while keeping colors (about) the same.
Os diferentes modos de inversão listados podem ser úteis para você, incluindo inversão inteligente 3 ("global desaturated, amarelos e azuis simples, na verdade relaxantes e muito úteis"), sépia negativa , escala de cinza negativa e especialmente tons de cinza .
[Parece que isso foi desenvolvido por yaurthek , então, se isso ajudar você, sabe a quem agradecer.]