Diferença entre o hipervisor Xen e o servidor Xen


Como o título sugere ... algo não está muito claro para mim. Eu estou acostumado a virtualbox e vmware, agora eu gostaria de usar xen mas ... eu acho dois sites diferentes, hipervisor e servidor. Qual a diferença?

Além disso, eu realmente preciso de duas máquinas físicas, um cliente e um servidor, para usar este hipervisor? Não posso apenas instalar o cliente e o servidor em uma máquina?

Parece um pouco complicado para mim ...

por Phate 06.03.2014 / 19:20

2 respostas


Eu também estava confuso. Estou lutando para deixar o hipervisor baremetal VMWare ESXi por vários motivos, a maioria dos quais tem a ver com a falta de configurabilidade na versão gratuita / de laboratório do ESXi.

XenServer - O XenServer é uma plataforma de virtualização de nível corporativo, comprovada pela nuvem, que fornece todos os recursos críticos necessários para qualquer implementação de virtualização de servidor e datacenter.

XenProject - Veja nesta tabela uma lista de recursos em diferentes versões de seu hipervisor: link

Primeiros passos do XenProject Hypervisor: link

The recommended way for most people to get Xen Project is to install via your distribution wherever possible. There are many distros which have good support for Xen Project included right out of the box....

Pessoas diferentes dizem coisas diferentes. O XenProject Baremetal?

De: link

In the case of two commonly used bare metal hypervisors (VMWare and Hyper-V), these are special cases in which both the hypervisor and the special management O/S are provided by the same company. In this case, since the same company provides the entire "stack", they can offer an ISO that installs the lot.

Xen is different - as a previous posted mentioned, it's a "project" rather than a "product" - I'm not sure you understood the point that was being made. Xen is the hypervisor and a set of management tools that run within the special guest O/S (which Xen refers to as "dom0"), but Xen themselves do not supply that operating system themselves. I think there are two reasons for this - 1) There are many other suitable operating systems already in existence, so why re-invent the wheel? and 2) Different people will have different preferences as to which operating system they prefer, so why force them into a single option when you can provide choice?

So, what makes Xen different from other bare metal hypervisors:

Pros: - You have a choice of different operating systems to run for the management layer. This allows people with expertise in various O/S's to choose the most appropriate one and allow them to fine-tune it as appropriate. - This allows Xen to focus on doing a single thing - building a hypervisor and associated tools, without being distracted by building a custom O/S to run with it.

Cons: - There is no single vendor or pre-packaged solution/product that you get with VMWare or Hyper-V. In theory, someone could package up a linux or BSD distro with all the Xen tools into an installable ISO, but the question would be - which O/S and why? Then you'd also have the issue that you'd be combining different packages/distros that may have different licencing or distribution rights, different update mechanisms etc. So, while it's possible to build an installable ISO, it's probably more hassle than it's worth.

So, in summary - if you want a pre-packaged solution that you can install "with my eyes closed" - Xen is probably not your best choice. However, if you want something that can be extensively customised/tweaked and finely tuned then Xen is probably a better choice than VMWare or Hyper-V.

Hope all this makes sense.

No final, você deseja administrar o Xen Hypervisor com um determinado sistema operacional privilegiado? ou deixar Citrix escolher para você e obter o Xen Server?




por 30.04.2014 / 21:34

Eu fiz mais algumas escavações desde que eu estava confuso. De acordo com o site Xenserver.org , a distribuição do XenServer é baseada em:

XenServer is a Linux distribution that is based on the Xen hypervisor, the Linux kernel, and the CentOS Linux distribution and user tools.

por 29.01.2017 / 17:31
