@echo off
set /P max=How many Days this month:
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=- " %%a in ('date /T') do @(
set y=%%c
set m=%%b
set d=%%a
echo The Month is %m%
echo The Day is %d%
echo The Year is %y%
echo the Month is %max% days long
set d=01
Set /a max=%max%+1
SET adate=%d%-%m%-%y%
if not exist "C:\Documents and Settings\NGLD7640\Desktop\hi\act\%adate%.xls" copy "C:\Documents and Settings\NGLD7640\Desktop\hi\act\Master File.xls" "C:\Documents and Settings\NGLD7640\Desktop\hi\act\%adate%.xls"
set /a d=%d%+1
if not %d%==%Max% goto loop
Código ajustado e personalizado com base em esta discussão com @ barlop .