Não é possível conectar-se ao Wi-Fi após sair do modo de espera


Eu tenho um adaptador USB Wi-Fi; toda vez que retiro meu PC do modo de suspensão, o adaptador Wi-Fi não está funcionando e as redes Wi-Fi não são exibidas na lista. Tenho que desconectar / conectar novamente o adaptador todas as vezes.
Como posso consertar isso?

O gerenciador de dispositivos UPD mostra essa mensagem de erro para o adaptador Wi-Fi depois de sair do modo de espera:

Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

UPD2 também é possível fazê-lo funcionar desabilitando / habilitando o dispositivo no Gerenciador de Dispositivos

por user626528 24.08.2014 / 07:04

2 respostas


Isso acontece porque, quando o computador adormecer, os dispositivos USB serão desconectados e, após a retomada, o Windows não executará a operação de verificação dos novos dispositivos conectados. Após reconectar, ele procurará novos dispositivos e funcionará bem.

Em vez de desconectar e conectar o adaptador todas as vezes, vá até o Gerenciador de dispositivos e clique com o botão direito do mouse em qualquer dispositivo e faça a varredura de novas alterações de hardware. Ele detectará seu dispositivo USB e fará a inicialização do dispositivo.


Tente o seguinte no link da Microsoft

When a Windows 7 or Windows Vista-based PC resumes from sleep or hibernation, the following USB device problems may occur:

-You may receive an error message.

-The USB device may not work.

-The USB device may not work as expected.

Como solucionar o problema

To troubleshoot this problem, try one or more of the following methods: The "USB selective suspends settings" option in the Power Options may be Enabled. Click Start, type Power Optionsin the Search box and then click Power Options from the returned list

-Click Change plan settings for the selected Power plan

-Click Change advanced power settings Expand USB settings and then USB selective suspend setting and change the setting to Disabled for the option for On battery: or Plugged in: -Click OK on the Power Settings window and click Save changes on the Edit Plan Settings window

Important: This is a default power setting , disabeling this setting will cause additional battery power consumption when your mobile PC is in Sleep or Hibernation mode and unplugged.

The "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" setting in Device Manager may beEnabled.

-Click Start, type Device manager in the Search box and then click Device Manager from the returned list Click to expand USB Root Hub and click the Power Management tab Uncheck the option to Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power and click OK

Note: You may see multiple listings for USB Root Hub, uncheck this option for all USB Root Hubs.

Close the Device Manager :

Important: This is a default power saving setting, disabeling this setting will cause additional battery power consumption when your mobile PC is in Sleep or Hibernation mode and unplugged.

Unplug the USB device, wait about five seconds, and then plug the device back in. If you are using a hub, unplug the hub, wait about five seconds, and then plug the hub back in. -If you are using a USB hub, try to use the device without the hub. If you verify that the hub is the issue, use one of the following methods, depending on your scenario:

-If the external power supply for the hub is not connected correctly, connect the external power supply correctly.

-If there are too many devices plugged into the hub, unplug some devices.

-If the hub does not function correctly, you may have to replace the hub.

-If your USB device is connected to a USB port on a portable computer docking station, try to connect the device directly to the USB port on the portable computer. If you verify that the problem is caused by the docking station, and the steps in this article do not resolve the problem, contact the manufacturer of the docking station for additional assistance. For information about how to contact the manufacturer of the docking station, visit the following

Microsoft Web site: http://support.microsoft.com/gp/vendors Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.

-If the USB device is powered from an external source, make sure that the power from the external source is available to the device when the computer resumes. When you use USB 1.0 devices on a USB 2.0 capable system, the device may not function correctly or may have performance issues. To resolve these issues, you may have to replace the USB device with a USB 2.0 capable device. Install the latest updates for Windows and install the latest drivers for the USB device.

-To install the latest updates and drivers, visit the Microsoft Windows Update Web site. http://update.microsoft.com If there are no updates available for the USB device on Windows Update, you may have to contact the hardware manufacturer for information about updates. For information about how to contact a vendor, visit the following Microsoft Web site: http://support.microsoft.com/gp/vendors

por 20.09.2014 / 08:12

Em vez de desmarcar Permitir que o computador desligue este dispositivo ... , ative essa opção. Quando o computador acordar do sono, a conexão estará lá instantaneamente.

por 01.07.2015 / 03:08