Como faço o OpenOffice abrir todos os arquivos do Microsoft Office?


Instalei o visualizador do Microsoft Word e, em seguida, atualizei a compatibilidade. É re-atribuído arquivos do MS Office para não abrir pelo OpenOffice.

Existe alguma maneira de eu fazer o OpenOffice abrir todos os arquivos do MS Office se eu clicar duas vezes nos arquivos do MS Office?

Já tenho o OpenOffice instalado.

por Radek 09.09.2010 / 15:25

2 respostas


Os fóruns do OpenOffice fornecem um tutorial interessante . O método mais simples é provavelmente apenas baixar e instalar o Utilitário OOoAssociation que irá configurar tudo para você automaticamente.

O instalador OO também lhe dará a opção de fazer essas associações automaticamente. Se você já instalou o OO, vá até a caixa de diálogo Adicionar / remover programas nas janelas e selecione "Desinstalar" na entrada do OpenOffice. Isso abrirá uma janela que permitirá "Reparar ou Modificar" sua instalação. Vá até o instalador e selecione a opção para associar o OpenOffice aos formatos de documento.

por 09.09.2010 / 15:34

Windows XP

1) The easiest method is to simply right click on a file that you want to open. Select 'Open With...', then 'Choose Program...'.

From the dialog box that pops up select the program you want to make the default application (if it was a doc file then select swriter if you want Open Office to handle these files or Microsoft Word if you prefer that). You should be able to find it, but if you can't you can press 'Browse' and search for the program's main executable file.

Select "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file", and press OK. Now this program is the default. You can repeat this process for various file types (e.g. doc, xls etc.).

2) Or tell Windows what program to use to open what type of files:

This application has been reported to be successful in this forum. Running this utility should set the associations correctly: OOoAssociation Utility.

3) The other option is to open Windows Explorer and then select: Tools->Folder Options...->File Types

From here you can find a particular file type such as 'doc', and press 'Change' and you will be presented with the same dialog as in step 1. You can use this list to quickly set the default application for all the relevant file types.

Windows Vista

Methods 1 and 2 for Windows XP will work for Vista too, but there is also another option. It's not often I have good things to say about Vista, but I am pleased to announce that this is definitely one occasion where it can make life easier.

4) Start button->Control Panel->Programs->Default Programs->Set your default programs . Now find or Microsoft Office in the list and after selecting the appropriate one you can either choose 'Set this program as default' to make it the default application for all file types it can handle in one fell swoop, or 'Choose defaults for this program' to quickly pick the file types you would like this program to handle.

Recurso deste tópico

por 09.09.2010 / 15:36