Não sei por que, mas, de acordo com diferentes sites, o Chrome torna as cores muito saturadas em exibições de gama ampla. Como solução alternativa, você poderia abri-lo com /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --enable-monitor-profile
--enable-monitor-profile works by mapping everything to sRGB and then applying the sRGB->monitor profile transformation. This prevents CSS colors and untagged images from becoming oversaturated on a wide gamut monitor but does not preserve the large gamut of color spaces like Pro Photo RGB and Adobe RGB 1998.
A complete color management solution is pending http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=37028
Você também pode reduzir a gama de exibição .
Besides asking browser developers to fully support color management on their software, there’s a workaround we can use on most wide gamut LCDs to make web colors look right: reduce their gamut temporarily. Most of those displays have a “color mode” or "color presets" menu on their controls that allows you to apply an sRGB simulation to the monitor.
The workaround would be to switch the display to sRGB and produce a color profile specific for that mode. When browsing the web, you’d select the sRGB profile and switch the display to sRGB by using its on-screen controls.
Depending on how you use your computer it could work for you, but clearly it doesn’t work for me since I browse the web while I work on Photoshop and other color managed programs, where a large gamut would be beneficial.
O Chrome também não suporta perfis ICC. Imagens que não são salvas como sRGB não são exibidas corretamente: