O cabeçalho TRX não foi encontrado?


Eu quero extrair imagens de firmware e fazer algumas pequenas alterações e remontar ao meu roteador através do FirmWare Modification Kit. Abaixo você pode ver os erros que recebo.

# sudo ./extract_firmware.sh ~/Downloads/router_firmware_fullImage.bin ~/kamil/

Estou recebendo:

Firmware Mod Kit (extract) v0.69 beta, (c)2010 Jeremy Collake
Checking for updates ...
 You have the latest version of this kit.
LINUX system detected. Compatibility ok.
Testing file system of /home/user/kamil/ ...
Building tools ...
Build seems successful.
Preparing working directory ...
Removing any previous files ...
Creating directories ...
Extracting firmware
! untrx failed, trying splitter3
Attempting squashfs 3.0 lzma ...
Trying 'damn small' variant - used by DD-WRT v24 ...
Error: filesystem not extracted properly.
   firmware image format not compatible?

Estou usando a última versão do kit no Ubuntu 11.04.

Informações adicionais:

# cat extract.log

untrx 0.54 beta - (c)2006-2010 Jeremy Collake

Opening /home/user/Downloads/router_firmware_fullImage.bin
read 1972267 bytes
ERROR trx header not found
splitter3 0.10 beta - (c)2010 Jeremy Collake
Opening /home/user/Downloads/router_firmware_fullImage.bin
read 1972267 bytes
SQUASHFS magic: 0x68737173
SQUASHFS version: 512.0
Found segment type 0x8 Kernel length is fecc
File system length is 1d1134
Trailer is 82b bytes
Writing /home/user/kamil//image_parts/vmlinuz
    size 65228 from offset 0 ...
SQUASHFS magic: 0x68737173
SQUASHFS version: 512.0
 ! WARNING: Unknown squashfs version.
Writing /home/user/kamil//image_parts/squashfs-lzma-image-x_x
  size 1904948 from offset 65228 ...
Writing /home/user/kamil//image_parts/hwid.txt
  size 2091 from offset 1970176 ...

Você pode me ajudar com esse problema?

por mtndesign 08.09.2011 / 15:21

0 respostas
