Como configurar um sistema de alto-falantes multi-sala em um mac mini


Eu tenho um mac mini setup como meu home theater. Eu gostaria de conectar cerca de 4 conjuntos de alto-falantes para uma configuração de alto-falante de várias salas, onde posso ativar e desativar facilmente alguns alto-falantes. Eu fiz muita pesquisa sobre amplificadores e o aplicativo de configuração MIDI de áudio no mac mini. Onde estou confuso é sobre como obter o mac mini para ver mais de 2 canais. Então, essencialmente, minha pergunta é:

Se eu conectasse 4 conjuntos de alto-falantes a um amplificador de 4 canais e conectasse o amplificador ao mac mini, o Mac Mini seria capaz de dividir todos os canais em dispositivos de saída separados?

Se isso for possível, posso usar a configuração MIDI de áudio para agrupar as saídas separadas em diferentes zonas de alto-falante.


Não consigo fazer upload de fotos, pois não tenho pelo menos 10 pontos de reputação, então postei o gráfico do que desejo aqui:


Peço desculpas pela pergunta pouco clara, já que estou aprendendo sobre essas coisas. Eu estou esperando encontrar um amplificador de 4 canais como este na amazon:


Não consigo conectar dois alto-falantes em uma série a um canal? Então, um amplificador de 4 canais poderia lidar com meus 8 alto-falantes?

Se eu puder conectá-los e então os 4 canais aparecerem na configuração midi de áudio, então tudo estará pronto. Descobri como silenciar canais individuais de um dispositivo de saída para poder controlar cada zona alterando um canal específico e ativando outro. Espero que a informação adicional ajude.

por Daniel Ellis 10.01.2015 / 20:23

2 respostas


Você já viu a solução deste chap? Embora não seja idêntico à sua configuração, pode fornecer algumas indicações, e ele também destaca algumas armadilhas ao longo do caminho. Em particular, a seção configurar alto-falantes , no final do artigo, refere-se à atribuição de vários canais a conjuntos particulares de alto-falantes.

Espero que ajude.

Mac OS X Dolby Digital 5.1 with Mac Mini [solved]

This is my 2nd attempt of trying to clarify how to get Dolby Digital 5.1 output via HDMI. The previous attempt can be found here. All the information I can find on this subject shows that for some people multi-channel audio works fine, nothing special is required, but then again for some of us this is a pain and its almost impossible to get this working.

Here is my setup:


The problem, like presented earlier is depicted here: OSX Audio Devices 1

The Audio MIDI setup clearly displays as Sony TV being the HDMI output device. The problem is, that it actually isn't. Here is another screen capture of Audio MIDI setup from my brother's computer: OSX Audio Devices 2 Whoa! His Mac Mini displays his A/V amp as the HDMI destination. Totally different from what my Mac displays. The only explanation for this is, that my Yamaha takes the TV's spec from the HDMI and proxies it to the Mac and his Onkyo doesn't take anything, it simply presents itself as the destination. If you'd ask me, Onkyo's solution is much better than Yamaha's. Anyway, the amp has to pick up the audio signal to be sent to loudspeakers and do a stereo mixdown of a multi-channel signal to be sent for the TV. So there will be a lot of processing at the amp, why not declare itself as the destination for the Mac. It seems to be confusing.

The Solution

Here is what I did to get proper 5.1 channel sound working from my Mac Mini. The problem is, that I cannot get it back to the broken mode again, it simply stays fully functional no matter what I do. There must be something going on at the amp end and something else going on at the Mac end. For some reason they don't match or they do match and there is very little I can do to control it. But anyway, here are my steps with Audio MIDI Setup utility:

  1. In the Mac, set HDMI to Use this device for sound output and Play alerts and sound effects trough this device

  2. Confirm that the speaker setup is correct and click the speakers to confirm that test tone does not output as expected

  3. In the amp, make sure that the input HDMI is decoding multi-channel audio as expected (Auto-detect or stereo won't work)

  4. In the Mac, at the HDMI, in Format set it as Encoded Digital Audio, the Hz setting is irrelevant OSX Audio Devices - Encoded Digital Audio

  5. This will effectively unset HDMI as output device and set Built-in Output as the output device. It also pretty much makes all sounds in the system non-functional.

  6. Again at the HDMI, in Format select 8ch-24bit Integer, it will reset the HDMI to Use this device for sound output and Play alerts and sound effects trough this device

  7. Re-confirm that speaker setup is correct. At this point the test tone should work from the speaker correctly.

  8. You're done! :-)

This fix and pretty much everything about Mac Mini's HDMI audio output is bit fuzzy. Any real solution should be reproducible somehow. This isn't. But I can assure you, that now my multi-channel audio really works as expected.

Any feedback about this solution is welcome!

Update 1st Jan 2014:### The number of channels configured into Audio Setup does not reflect the actual number of speakers you have.

That is done in Configure Speakers. I have 8ch (or 8 speakers) configured in the Audio Setup, but this is a screenshot of my speaker setup: MacOSXAudioDevicesConfigureSpeakers

They have different number of speakers! It still works. That's how it is supposed to be.

por 10.01.2015 / 21:09

Na minha experiência, eu usei uma Apple TV, com o iTunes ou um software similar, como o Airparrot, você pode simplesmente enviar áudio do seu Mac para o surround.

por 21.01.2015 / 02:01