Isso não é possível no ffmpeg 2.0 ou abaixo. Suporte para filtros de fluxo de bits com tee foi adicionado em 2.1.
Specify a list of bitstream filters to apply to the specified output. It is possible to specify to which streams a given bitstream filter applies, by appending a stream specifier to the option separated by /. If the stream specifier is not specified, the bistream filters will be applied to all streams in the output.
Several bitstream filters can be specified, separated by ","
ffmpeg \
-i in.mp4 \
-c:v libx264 \
-c:a libfaac \
-flags +global_header \
-bsf:v dump_extra \
-map 0 \
-f tee '[f=mp4:bsfs=aac_adtstoasc]out.mp4|[f=mpegts]out.ts'