Eu tive o mesmo problema ao mover uma unidade para uma versão mais recente do Windows. Usando o HxD na tabela de partições funcionou para mim. Embora este artigo esteja relacionado a um disco dinâmico, ainda é a mesma correção, "07" deve estar no campo para NTFS.
Instruções - link
O utilitário suportado pela Microsoft é o dskprobe.exe. Instruções:
**This ONLY works if you have NOT used ANY of the new features of dynamic disks such as extending a partition or software RAID.
1) Install dskprobe.exe on the system. (This is one of the utilities in the Windows 2000 support tools on the install CD, and can be installed by simply copying the .exe file to the hard drive.)
2) Run dskprobe.exe on the system.
3) Select the Drives menu and "Physical Drive. . ."
4) Double click on the drive that you want to convert back to a basic disk. Click the "Set Active" button next to that drive.
5) From the Sectors menu, select "Read"
6) Accept the defaults (begin sector 0, read 1 sector) and click "Read"
7) In the editor, go to the "01C0" line and the third bit should be a "42". Change that to a "07". **Note, a few machines have had this on the "01D0" line instead. I don't know what that means, so I wouldn't try it unless it is on a pure test box. *****
8) From the Sectors menu, select "Write". Confirm all dialog boxes. Note: This is the step that will hose your box if you have not followed the above instructions correctly.
9) Exit dskprobe.exe. Reboot
10) Run chkdsk on the affected logical drive(s). If any errors are found, do a chkdsk /f to fix them. Done.
Fonte: link