Se você quiser inventariar os compartilhamentos de todos os computadores em um domínio, você pode usar Get-WmiObject
para consultar a classe Win32_Share
wmi em cada computador:
# Import the AD module to the session
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# Retrieve the dNSHostName attribute from all computer accounts in AD
$ComputerNames = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties dNSHostName |Select-Object -ExpandProperty dNSHostName
$AllComputerShares = @()
foreach($Computer in $ComputerNames)
$Shares = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_Share -ErrorAction Stop
$AllComputerShares += $Shares
Write-Error "Failed to connect retrieve Shares from $Computer"
# Select the computername and the name, path and comment of the share and Export
$AllComputerShares |Select-Object -Property PSComputerName,Name,Path,Description |Export-Csv -Path C:\Where\Ever\You\Like.csv -NoTypeInformation