É um bug conhecido e aberto, leia aqui e eu posso reproduzir isso erro.
Eu copiei o seguinte de aqui , todos os créditos vão para @ Schwern .
is trying to call a function calledprompt
but it doesn't exist. This is because they recently switched build systems from ExtUtils::MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) to Module::Build (Build.PL) but didn't fully convert the program. I've reported the bug.Most people don't notice this because the prompting is only necessary if GD can't configure itself. It does this by looking for the gdlib-config program. If that can't be found, or it doesn't work, it will ask you for your gdlib configuration. It's best to let gdlib-config take care of that. Best way to solve this problem is to make sure gdlib-config is somewhere in your PATH and that
gdlib-config --all
works.Otherwise replace all the instances of
and it should work.
E aqui está o código problemático em Build.pl
my $PREFIX = $lib_gd_path;
if( ! defined($lib_gd_path) )
warn "\n";
$PREFIX = prompt('Where is libgd installed?','/usr/lib');
e aqui
if( defined($options) )
$JPEG = $options =~ m/JPEG/i;
$FT = $options =~ m/FT|FREETYPE/i;
$XPM = $options =~ m/XPM/i;
$GIF = $options =~ m/GIF/i;
$PNG = $options =~ m/PNG/i;
$ANIMGIF = $GIF && $options =~ m/ANIMGIF/i;
$VERSION_33= $options =~ m/VERSION_33/i;
$FONTCONFIG = $options =~ m/FONTCONFIG/i;
$FTCIRCLE = $options =~ m/FTCIRCLE/i;
warn "\nPlease choose the features that match how libgd was built:\n";
$JPEG = lc prompt('Build JPEG support?','y') eq 'y';
$PNG = lc prompt('Build PNG support?','y') eq 'y';
$FT = lc prompt('Build FreeType support?','y') eq 'y';
$GIF = lc prompt('Build GIF support?','y') eq 'y';
$ANIMGIF = $GIF && lc prompt('Build support for animated GIFs?','y') eq 'y';
$XPM = $^O !~ /^freebsd|MSWin32$/ && lc prompt('Build XPM support?','y') eq 'y';
e assim por diante.