Você pode verificar isso com yum-plugin-security
--cve This option includes packages that say they fix a CVE - Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures ID (http://cve.mitre.org/about/),
Eg. CVE-2201-0123.
Então tente:
yum --cve <Your CVE here> info updates
E você pode verificar o changelog coressponding para os pacotes para checar as informações sobre o bug corrigido:
$ rpm -q --changelog openssh | grep -i cve
- change default value of MaxStartups - CVE-2010-5107 - #908707
- merged cve-2007_3102 to audit patch
- fixed audit log injection problem (CVE-2007-3102)
- CVE-2006-5794 - properly detect failed key verify in monitor (#214641)
- CVE-2006-4924 - prevent DoS on deattack detector (#207957)
- CVE-2006-5051 - don't call cleanups from signal handler (#208459)
- use fork+exec instead of system in scp - CVE-2006-0225 (#168167)