FreeBSD: Abrindo aplicativos X depois do su para root?


Usando o FreeBSD 8.2. Estou acessando minha maquina via vnc usando tightvnc. Eu entro como meu usuário normal. Esta certo. Eu posso abrir aplicativos X e eles são exibidos corretamente. Então eu su para enraizar e eles não vão abrir. Eu costumava ser capaz de fazer xhost + localhost, mas isso não funciona mais. Eu li on-line sobre a cópia .Xauthority, então agora no meu .cshrc para root eu faço isso:

if ($user != "root") then
  setenv XAUTHORITY /home/$user/.Xauthoriy

Isso me deixa mais longe, mas agora recebo um erro:

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion failed ..

Eu procurei por isso online e alguém disse para prefixar o comando com o dbus-launch primeiro:

dbus-launch emacs

Eu tentei isso e funciona, mas parece kludgy. Como faço para que isso funcione para que eu possa iniciar programas baseados em X após o su'ing para fazer o root perfeitamente (como eu poderia com o FreeBSD 6.x)?

por User 03.04.2011 / 00:46

1 resposta


Ok, eu meio que tenho uma correção para isso. Há uma boa explicação deste site link :

The explanation of the problem is the following:

When you su to root from a terminal where you are logged in as another user the new "su-ed" user gonna inherit the environment variables from the parent shell user.

Example: let's say that for the user jack the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is set to: "unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-l5SiTFzmR8,guid=1af28c9d83400a896ef6268d4a7af59f" Now if you open a terminal as jack and make a su to root the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable shall remain as for the user jack. And here is the problem, exactly this specific env. variable (DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS) generates that problem. Gnome programs like gedit, nautilus . . . use the dbus protocol to communicate with gconf where application specific configurations are stored, and not just. A program executed as root uses a different D-Bus session bus address compared when you execute that program as the jack user for instance. So the problem is that you switch to root, but the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable still points the the jack's dbus session bus address.

Solution: The root user has a separate dbus session address too (located in /root/.dbus/session-bus/. . .) So to use the root's dbus address when you are in a terminal and "su-ed" to root just clear the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable. like: export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="" A program that needs dbus communication with gconf for instance, checks that environment variable, and if it is empty it reads the dbus address from the users ~/.dbus/session-bus/ directory (the right place). To make this permanent add the following line to the root users .bashrc file: export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="" This means that every time when you su to root and the terminal is not a login shell (the case when you are logged in as jack and opened a terminal and executed su) the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable is cleared, so the applications gonna read the dbus address from the right place.

by the way you do not need to start a new dbus session with dbus-launch. Even if you do so but the applications still read the dbus address from the wrong place, the problem will persist.

Quando eu desconfio de DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, agora posso iniciar o emacs em X depois de su'ing. No entanto, ainda recebo avisos:

(emacs 1879): GLib-WARNING **: In call to g_spawn_sync()...
por 03.04.2011 / 04:16