KeePass no erro do OpenBSD e libpng


Eu estou tentando rodar o KeePass no OpenBSD. Eu instalei o Mono de pacotes e baixei o KeePass-2.30-portable. Infelizmente não consigo iniciar o KeePass devido a esses erros:

SendMessage (27263013, 0x112c, 0x4, 0x4)
libpng error: invalid after png_start_read_image or png_read_update_info
libpng error: invalid after png_start_read_image or png_read_update_info
libpng error: invalid after png_start_read_image or png_read_update_info
libpng error: invalid after png_start_read_image or png_read_update_info
SendMessage (27263007, 0x101f, 0x0, 0x0)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x0, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x0, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x1, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x1, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x2, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x2, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x3, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x3, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x4, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x4, 0x7f7ffffd1650)
* Assertion at strenc.c:183, condition 'utf8!=NULL' not met


  at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) KeePass.Native.NativeMethods.GetFileAttributes (string) <0xffffffff>
  at KeePass.Native.NativeMethods.FileExists (string) <0x0002d>
  at KeePass.Util.WinUtil.RemoveZoneIdentifier (string) <0x0006e>
  at KeePass.Forms.MainForm.OnFormLoadParallelAsync (object) <0x00090>
  at (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>.runtime_invoke_void__this___object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>

Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

Abort trap (core dumped) 

Eu gostaria de receber ajuda.

por andrzejdre 17.08.2015 / 23:13

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